Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Next time I'll go with a midwife

Doctor: So, you didn’t take the diabetes test.
Me: No, and I’m not going to.
Doctor: (immediately turns around and snaps at me) You are going to have gestational diabetes, your baby will have diabetes, you will have a lacerated uterus. (She also listed off three other things but was talking so fast I couldn’t catch them).
Me: I have my reasons for not taking the test and I’m sticking to my decision. I’m not taking it.
Doctor: What are your reasons?
Me: (shocked that she was being so rude and attacking me, I got really mad. At this point we were both pretty much using offensive tones and raising our voices) I didn’t even fail the test in the first place.
Doctor: You did fail the test. You failed my test.
Me: I understand that you have a cut-off of 135 but I also know that to fail the test you have to have a 140. The tech at the hospital and my last doctor and the internet all say 140 means you fail. Besides, the lab tech and my friend that is a nurse told me I should’ve fasted for the first test, not just the second.
Doctor: The second test.
Me: No, they told me I should fast for both.
Doctor: Oh, so all my schooling makes me dumber than the lab tech and the nurse?
Me: No, but when multiple people tell me the same thing, I think I can take it as true.
Me: Second, I know the other symptoms to look for. I’m not measuring big, I don’t have sugar in my urine, and 25 lbs isn’t an excessive amount of weight to gain. If I am measuring large or you have found sugar in my urine, you haven’t communicated that to me.
Doctor: You are measuring perfectly and you don’t have any sugar in your urine. Just because you don’t have those symptoms doesn’t mean you don’t have it.
Me: If I did have it what would you have me change anyways?
Doctor: You would have to see a councilor, go to a nutritionist, and take your blood sugar four times a day.
Me: I have no problem doing any of those things. I’ll go buy myself a self test. I’ve done it a thousand times before on my dad’s.
Doctor: And what were your levels?
Me: They were always normal.
Doctor: Well, since you’ve looked on the internet and know everything, what is a normal level?
Me: Are you kidding me?
Doctor: 135 is my cut-off and so you failed my test.
Me: Look, I’m not going to argue with you about this. I am responsible for my body and baby.
Doctor: I am the doctor and if you don’t take this test, you need to find a different doctor.
Me: Fine. I’ll find myself another doctor.
Doctor: You don’t have to find yourself another doctor. I’ll help you find someone.
Me: Are you kidding me? If you aren’t willing to help me, why would I have you find someone for me? If I have to have this baby by myself, I will.
Doctor: (with a look of horror). Why would you say that? I’m telling you I’m willing to help you. I’ll check with so and so and tell her your results from the test. If she is ok with those levels then she will see you.
Me: First, I’m not going to see anyone you refer me to. Second, I won’t see anyone if this building.
Doctor: Why? You obviously have other problems with us then just this test.
Me: Because I’m not impressed with this office at all. You have been so concerned about this test and ignored me when I tell you my concerns about the baby coming early. You have brushed me off over and over.
Doctor: I haven’t made you feel like I’ve brushed you off. (Shocked)
Me: You might not feel that you have done that but I do and I’m the one that’s important. Your nurse has brushed me off as well. I’m not some fat pregnant lady that just sits around all day eating junk, never exercising. I am concerned about gestational diabetes. The first appointment I ever had I told your nurse I was concerned about this test and my levels on it and I wanted to know what I could do to prevent my levels from being high. She told me not to be worried about until the time came to take the test. I told her I didn’t want to wait until the end of my pregnancy when I was hormonal and anxious to deal with it. She again told me not to worry about it. So I have spent this whole pregnancy exercising and watching my weight and trying to eat better.
Doctor: Just having a good diet doesn’t mean you won’t get it. If you are predisposed you will still get it.
Me: Wait, I know that for normal diabetes you can exercise and eat right and prevent it from happening. So why is it any different when you are pregnant?
Doctor: Well, if you are predisposed…
Me: (thankful I had read my family blog and read the comment by my brother about cancer) Right, but just because I have a gene doesn’t mean I’ll get it.
Doctor: (starting to calm down) Well, you are right. I’m sorry that you had to wait so long in the lab. We didn’t know they were making people wait.
Me: It’s not just the lab. I come here and wait for two hours before I see anyone. If you are gone, they don’t tell you until you’ve been waiting for an hour.
Doctor: They are supposed to tell you.
Me: Oh, they do—just an hour later.
Doctor: Well, I know they also sometimes check people in and get you in a room and then don’t tell you once you’re in the room either.
Me: Look, I don’t blame you for the wait in the lab or in the waiting room. If I were having my baby I would want you to come to the hospital and deliver me. I just think it’s rude to make people wait here for you without telling them you are gone. I’m not the only one with this problem. I have friends that come here and they experience the same thing.
Doctor: I am sorry. Look, I’ll continue to see you if you will come to a compromise. What do you want to do?
Me: Do you honestly think I have gestational diabetes?
Doctor: (hesitant) Well, the chances are slim but I can’t say you don’t have it because your levels were high. I’ll send you to a different lab. You fast over night and then go get your levels taken. Go home and eat a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Then come back in two hours and take your levels again.
Me: That is part of the problem. They make you stay there. I can’t make my kids stay there and my husband can’t take another day of work off.
Doctor: Ok, well, I’ll write it as two orders and they won’t have to give you the drink so they can’t make you stay.
Me: Ok. I have no problem doing that.
Doctor: Alright. If the levels come back fine, I’ll never bug you again. Are we ok?
Me: Look, I’m didn’t mean to make you feel like I thought my nurse friend and the lab tech were smarter than you.
Doctor: Well, they actually are right. The level is 140 but depending on where you go to school or what area you practice in you have to go by a certain level and in this area the level is 135. I know you would never do anything to intentionally hurt your baby. I see you are a good, informed mom. I just have a lot of patients that come in and are noncompliant so I have to have rules and if someone doesn’t follow them I can’t see them. So that is why I said I couldn’t see you earlier.
Me: Well, I tried to take the test twice already so I’m obviously not noncompliant.
Doctor: Ok, are we all good? (with a smile) How are you doing? Is your blood pressure back to normal?


Jess and Jen said...

Sound like fun! Besides actually having the baby, I'm not sure I've been in the same room with my doctor long enough to have that conversation. So...if you are still in OK for baby #4 will you change doctors?

Rachel said...

WOW! I'm sorry you've had to go through all that.

chelsey said...

I'm SO sorry you had to deal with that! No pregnant mom wants to deal with a doctor like that. I'm proud you have the guts to vocalize your thoughts and feelings. I think I would've shrunk under the pressure and just taken the test again, then gone home and cried about it to my husband. Good luck with the rest of your visits with her!!

Jess and Jason said...

She is lucky you didn't punch her right in the nose! So did she address any of your other concerns? Are you ok with her? At least for the rest of this pregnancy? Crazy doctor!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Jess or Jen (I couldn't tell which one wrote the comment but I think it was Jen), We won't be in OK next time we have a baby. But no, if I were here, we would NOT go to her again. I'm not that crazy.

Jessie, She didn't address my other concerns excpet for one that I pushed on her after she had calmed down. I am supposed to take vitamin K for the last month of my pregnancy. Since we don't know when that last month will be, my neurologist told me to have my doctor tell me when to start taking it. She said to take it starting at 34 weeks (so Friday). I brought it up again and asked if it was just a vitamin I could buy at the store and she said she had no idea. She said I should look on my prenatals to see how much vitamin K are in them because I should have 90 micrograms. I asked, "is that 90 micrograms for a normal pregnant lady or a pregnant lady with seizures?" She said, "Well, for a normal lady. Why does she want to you take more?" I explained AGAIN that women with seizures have their vitamin k levels drop really low when they are pregnant so the shot they give the baby when he is born is not enough. She was like, "yeah, but it's not for you, for the baby so wouldn't they just give him more when he is born?" Then she said, "I'll have to talk to the nurses at the hospital to find out what they do for the baby when he is born." I thought to myself, "I thought you were smarter than the nurses."

Anyway, it looks like I'm going to have to go to the pharmacy and figure it out on my own and if it does need a prescription, get one from my neurologist. Stupid doctor. I'm hoping she isn't the doctor on call when I go into labor. I've never had any of my doctors deliver me before so maybe that will be the case this's hoping.

Jess and Jen said...

Adrianne, I can't believe you left the vitamin K part out of the first story. That's incredible. I can't believe she wouldn't know what you were talking about (the part about asking the nurses is kind of funny too!) Good luck!


Cali said...

How disappointing! I get so frustrated with doctors sometimes! I have really lucked out with the doctor I have right now--I hope that you can have better luck next time.

And...I know several women who have switched doctors in the last month of their pregnancies and were happy that they did so. So, if you do decide to change, it could work out. Keep us posted. We hope that everything goes well.

Team Clark said...

This will probably be the first time that your doctor delivers you. Isn't life always like that? :)
I felt yucky inside just listening to your story! So you must have felt extremely yucky having to experience it.
I hope you're doing alright!

Papa Doc said...

All I can add is that I'm so dang proud of you for taking a stand and not backing down!!! Women, unite! Take charge of your bodies and don't let nasty doctors tell you what to do.
I am grinning from ear to ear because I am so happy that you stood your ground and followed through with the entire conversation.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

Oh my heck Adrianne! That is terrible! I can't believe that you spoke up like that because I definately wouldn't be able to do that. No one should ever be spoken to like that as a person or patient.

Frances said...

WO!! That's intense. You are one tough cookie Adrianne. My dialogue would have several sniffles and bursting out into tears. I'm not as tough as you. Good job being informed and sticking up for yourself.

Kelly Ledward said...

Hi Adrianne! It's Kelly (Baadsgaard)! I came across your blog. (blog hopping/ stalking he he!) I hope you don't mind! I just want to say that I am proud of you! I read your conversation with the doc and I think you are amazing! It took me years of Dr's to be able to tell them what I think and stick to my guns! You are a tough woman! KUDOS from me!!!! I'm outnumbered in my fam too! There's way too much testosterone in our house, but it's fun! Are you coming to the reunion? It was good to see how you are! I'm sorry that you had to deal with a doc like that, but you did an awesome job!

rachwheel said...

Way to go!
I've almost always had some sort of bad experience with Dr.'s. This last time, the whole hospital staff ignored us most of the time because I insisted on having mine naturally (for the third time) and she ended up delivering by herself on the hospital bed. Us Mom's need to be tough nowadays just to make sure our baby's are taken care of.
Hat's off from one Mom to another!
By the way, we went to high school together. Go on my blogspot, you may recognize me, or not.