Friday, November 21, 2008

Family Home Evening: Temples

We decided to start having our family home evening follow the general conference ensign. So this past Monday we talked about temples. We went to the temple on Wed. night and Will said, "Are you and daddy going to the temple to get married?" So, it looks like he is understanding a little bit about what happens at temples. In case you can't tell from the picture, we made the Provo temple with some bushes, a crazy tree, and a monster snake with a blanket on it.

Isaac needs a little help with his colors and shapes. I decided to have the boys make people out of shapes. They both really enjoyed it--so much so that when I went to put the baby to bed I came back to discover that they had squeezed almost the entire bottle of glue on the table and written all over the table and benches with permanent marker. So, maybe we won't be doing any of these fun little projects for awhile.


Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

I wish I had seen the monster blanket snake and the crazy tree last time I went to the Provo temple. I only ever saw missionaries and college students.

Jess and Jason said...

I love that your temple has a monster snake! Aren't kids great!

I understand the bottle of glue and permanent marker. Our table has been ruined by permanent marker.