Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Getting organized

We are trying to organize at our house. Some recent projects: 1. The boys have a hard time some days knowing how to dress themselves. They often wear pants when it's 90 degrees and shorts when it's 60 degrees or colder. So, we made a weather chart for them. Now they just look outside or we check on the computer what the weather will be and they choose their picture and dress accordingly.
*A lot of my ideas are stolen from other people. I actually thought of this one on my own and then today saw it on someone else's blog. I thought, "Stink, now it looks like I stole this one too." I didn't.

1. The boys have a hard time with prayers at night. Mostly Will gets lazy and says, "I don't know what to say. You say it." Then we go over the same things every night, "What did you do today that you are thankful for?" "What do you want help with?" We decided to have a Family Home Evening where we talked about prayer and then we listed things we could be thankful for and ask for help with. Then we colored pictures of those things. They boys hung them on the wall above their beds and then at night they look at it before prayer time. I think we will have to do this a few times because now the repeat the same things over and over, which is great, but I think we need to teach them that prayers change--sometimes we need help in something else and sometimes we are grateful for something else. But, it's helping them get an idea of how to pray so it's working. Besides, their pictures are cute. Isaac drew snakes and each night he thanks Heavenly Father for snakes and asks that he won't be afraid of the snakes in his room. Cute, cute.

3. Will and Isaac ask me all day long what we are going to do next. "Is it time for a show?" "When do we get snack?" I decided to make these little clip art magnents. Each morning we go to the board and talk about the things we will do that day. The boys love it, Will more than Isaac, and they will go look at it throughout the day. *Ignore the phone numbers on the other side of the board. I don't want some stranger calling my family and friends. I will try and blur them out later or something. For now, ignore it.

4. The boys are not very good at cleaning their rooms. They are getting better. To help them I took pictures of their bins and taped them to the outside so now they know what goes where. My friend Ali Walston did this for Talon and it seemed to work great. It's kind of hard to see from the picture but you get the idea.

5. My current project is taking me a lot of time and it's annoying. I really love cookbooks. Mike used to buy me a new one each year. I love looking through them and seeing all the pictures and drooling over all the things I could make if I were a really good cook, which I'm not. I decided after looking at my messy cupboard full of cookbooks it was time to consolidate. I am scanning each recipe I use, like, or want to try. Then I will print them out and put them in a binder. I only use a few recipes from each one so why have a million cookbooks right? Anyway, my sister Gillian is getting married next week and she will inherit my cookbooks. I'll highlight the recipes we like and pass them on. It's taking forever and I only have a week to finish....

See my nice stack? And I have a bunch still in the cupboard.

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