Thursday, September 24, 2009

Letter and word relay

I saw this idea on a blog...I'm terrible at knowing which ones I get them from. I decided to try it with the boys but I adjusted it a bit to work more for us. I have flashcards with letters. On set is just letters with little pictures that start with that word and the other are cards in a group that spell words. I chose a few from each set. The cards with the letters and pictures that start with those letters I used for Isaac and the other ones for Will. I put them on our fireplace. Then I had a basket and we had a relay. I told Isaac to find certain letters (I only did four) and grab it and throw it in the basket. Then I told Will he had to find the set of letters that spelled the word I said. I'd say PIG and he had to find all three letters. It proved to be a little hard for Isaac. Not too bad. At first he just chose whatever and said, "Is this it?" but later he spent more time looking and then did fine once he really tried. It was much too easy for Will. I thought perhaps he was just finding the matching pictures. So I changed things up a little. For Isaac I changed them to the letters in his name. That was great for him. For Will I wrote the words out without pictures and then called out the words. That was too easy too. He would say, "Pig...I need a P" then grab the word. So, I'll have to find more challenging words for him or something. The boys loved this activity. They just wanted to play it over and over.

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