Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Helping your children make a move smoothly

My family moved A LOT growing up and I have to admit that I hated it. Each time we moved it was because of a job change. There was never a time when we moved somewhere and I felt that it was permenant. It was only a matter of time before we moved again. What would the next school be like? Would I make friends? At one point my mom thougth I had ulcers because I worried so much about going to school and would tell her I was sick everyday. Moving for me wasn't a great experience. Mike's family moved a lot too. For him, it was an entirely different experience. For him it was just a new adventure. When they moved they knew where they were going and his dad had a solid job at the new place.

My sister Chelsey moved yesterday. This is their first time living away from the family. They have three children, two of which are in elementary school. Mike and I will be moving anywhere between a year and a year and a half. Moving with just Mike and I isn't a problem for me but moving our children every four years is. When we move, there are a few things I will try to do to make the move a better experience.

1. Tell them about the move as soon as possible
2. Welcome their questions
3. Have a positive attitude about the move!
4. Let them help pack their things (but make sure you don't pack their favorite things like the favorite blankie or something)
5. Use maps and pictures of the new place so it can be more concrete in their mind
6. Point out that their lives won't change dramatically. Even though it might see that way, they will still have their family, pets, toys, interests, etc. Help them understand that they can still do all the things they like in the new place.
7. Help them create and address book and say their goodbyes or help them make a scrapbook of their friends and old neighborhood.
8. For younger kids, keep their schedules as consistent as you can
9. When you get to the new place, let them check out the school they will be going to
10. Help them plan their new bedroom
11. If possible, let them scope out the new neighborhood
12. Help your children get involved by helping them meet neighbor kids, new teachers, kids at church. Also help them get involved in community activities (sports, YMCA, etc)

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