Wednesday, July 22, 2009

B is for Bulldozer

My favorite project we've done recently was probably this one (or the dinosaurs in plaster of paris...those were cool). I was trying to think of something for the boys the other night and in a moment of inspiration, I thought of this. B for Bulldozer. It was perfect for the boys. In fact, I should have taken a picture but forgot, but Will did the cutest thing during quiet time after this project. He took the bulldozer I did as an example and he drew each part on a white piece of paper. Then he cut them all out and colored them and glued them on another paper. I wish I had a picture, maybe I'll put on up later. It was great. I was impressed that he could do one all by himself without me drawing and cutting each part out for him.
All we used was construction paper, glue, and scissors. Later we read one of their bazillion truck books.
Oh, and be proud of me--this was my very own idea.

1 comment:

JC Choate said...

our Tonka Trucks in Action is one of Kaylena's favorites...I'll keep this project in mind! :)