Another activity we did that centered around the letter A focused on Math skills. I cut out these little apples and wrote a number on the bottom (I used the numbers 10-15). Will had to use the hole punch to punch in the number of holes that corresponded with with number he saw. This is a good fine motor skill as well as number recognition and counting. While Will did his apples I had Isaac do his own little Math activity. I cut out a big worm and drew shapes on the worm then cut the worm into sections (check out the picture below to see what I'm talking about). He had to match each shape and make the worm.
For our snack we had apples with a peanut butter dip. Here is the recipe. Finally, I wanted to read them The Very Hungry Caterpillar but couldn't find our book so instead I just read a shape book to them to review the activity Isaac did.
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