Monday, April 12, 2010

Mixing colors

I'm posting this late but it's better late than never. I saw an activity on No Time For Flash Cards where they glued colored marshmallows on some construction paper in the shape of an egg. I thought it would be fun to do something similar with the boys but I didn't have colored marshmallows so I decided to have us color them ourselves. We talked about what we thought the food coloring would make the marshmallows look like. We also talked about mixing colors and what colors we could make by mixing certain colors. We discovered that the marshmallows looked all splotchy afterward and that it took quite a bit more orange than red to get an orangy/red color--we had to mix about two times the amount of orange to get it to show up at all. After coloring the marshmallows the boys got to glue them to their eggs and of course they had to eat some--good thing that glue isn't toxic, right?!
We had a fun FHE a few nights ago that I have posted on our family blog--check it out.

1 comment:

Saimi said...

Your boys make me smile! They remind me of when my boys were little.