Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sink or float?

We had a bunch of extra Easter eggs left over (I didn't buy very much candy this year) so I decided to do a science project with the kids. I let the boys help me decide on the items and then we made guesses which things would float and which things would sink. We made a little chart with each item and they put an X under sink or float according to their guess. Then we all went to the bathroom and put the items in the water to see which things would float or sink. They boys did a really good job guessing and only got a few wrong. We took the eggs and let them sink with nothing inside and then we put some items inside of various weight and saw which items would make the egg sink and which would not. The boys liked this activity if for no other reason than they got to play in the water!


Saimi said...

Ok, so your boys are super cute, I'm a mother of grown boys and I can appreciate your comment on Serene's post about the things people say.

After my third son was born, me and the crew would be out shopping and people would continually come and ask, "Are you trying for a girl next time?"

I'd be like lady, I'm not trying for anything right now and who cares if it's a girl or another boy! I wouldn't really say that but I was thinking it!

I also like your Godhead activity. I'm going to use that in my Sunbeam class!

Mike and Adrianne said...


Thank you! I think they are super cute too.

Isn't it crazy the things random strangers say?

Saimi said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog!
I appreciate the visit!